Our Cheerleaders group meets monthly on the third Saturday of each month from September to May. Our desire is to encourage and inspire old and new friendships for widows and mature single women. Join us and be supported as we continue to grow in our faith making disciples who make disciples, deepening our roots together.
Third Saturday of the Month
September - May
11:30am - 1:30pm
Contact Carol Feil, (661) 589-9733 ext. 231 for more information.

“To make the widow’s heart sing for joy”
Job 29:13
Job 29:13
“To look after widows in their trouble.”
James 1:27
James 1:27
“To carry each other’s burdens.”
Galatians 6:2
Galatians 6:2
“Don’t be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
Philippians 4:6
Philippians 4:6
We Aim to Provide:
Community for ladies in like circumstances.
Help for women going through the initial alone time, building new friendships.
Encouragement through Christian fellowship with a stronger spiritual dimension.
An atmosphere with tools that enable the ladies to serve one another and others.
Assistance for the ladies to find contentment
in their current state and to seek God’s guidance.
Fun and fellowship through monthly themed luncheons and dessert events.
Encouragement for the enabled to come alongside the disabled.
Communication with each other through notes, telephone calls and/or visits.
Help for women going through the initial alone time, building new friendships.
Encouragement through Christian fellowship with a stronger spiritual dimension.
An atmosphere with tools that enable the ladies to serve one another and others.
Assistance for the ladies to find contentment
in their current state and to seek God’s guidance.
Fun and fellowship through monthly themed luncheons and dessert events.
Encouragement for the enabled to come alongside the disabled.
Communication with each other through notes, telephone calls and/or visits.
For more info:
Carol Feil
(661) 589-9733 ext. 231
(661) 589-9733 ext. 231