
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Matthew 6:21

Why We Give

RiverLakes Church is a body of believers who ascribe glory and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Sovereign Creator of all things in this world and we give back to Him because He is worthy.

We believe that giving is an act of worship. We truly understand that everything we have is a gift from our Lord. As a result, we give back to Him from thankful and grateful hearts.

Our philosophy for giving is best reflected in 2 Corinthians 9:7, “Each one must give as he has made up his mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” We believe He has entrusted us to be good stewards. Whether it is in the form of finances, resources, service or time, it is our responsibility to give back to him.

Give Online

If you have any questions about online giving, please contact

Disaster Relief Fund

 If you would like to give funds to support relief efforts in response to the recent Los Angeles area fires, click the "GIVE ONLINE" button above and designate funds toward "Disaster Relief Fund."

Giving Statements

Other Ways To Give

Cash or Check

Simply place your donation in an offering bag on Sunday or mail your donation to:
RiverLakes Community Church
Attention: Finance Department
4301 Calloway Dr.
Bakersfield, CA 93312

Mobile Giving

You can give through your mobile device by clicking on “Give” in the RiverLakes Church App.

Stock Gift

Stock gifts are accepted at the request of donors. Please contact Lisa Laurente at (661) 589-9733 for assistance.

Bank Online

Give online through your banks bill pay service.

Estate Planning

Plan your estate and consider a generous gift that will recognize the importance of Christian stewardship and provide funds for the Kingdom of God.

Other FAQ's

Is online giving safe?

We've taken steps to ensure that the giving process is safe and secure. Our provider regularly audits their software, business practices and systems for compliance with the PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Additionally they utilize the latest standard 256 bit SSL encryption for all transactions just as the large e-commerce sites do. None of your personal information will be shared or sold to anyone.

What kind of accounts can I give from?

You can give online from your checking account (eCheck), Visa, MasterCard or Discover accounts.

Can I use a Debit Card?

Yes, as long as it it’s a Mastercard or Visa. (a true debit card with no PIN required)

Are there any fees involved with giving online?

Not to you. RiverLakes Church incurs all processing fees associated with on-line giving. However, if you would like to help cover these fees, there is an option for you to do so. (Please Note: The most cost effective method for is to use debit cards or eChecks (electronic checks).

Can I schedule my giving?

Yes. The system allows you the option of making a one-time contribution, or setting up a recurring contribution to be withdrawn on the date(s) specified by you.

Can I make changes to my scheduled contribution after it has been set up?

Yes. You can change or cancel your contribution at any time before the date of your next contribution. Simply log in using your email and password and make the necessary changes in your contribution schedule.

Will I still receive a regular contribution statement from the Church?

Yes. The Church will continue to send contribution statements to your address of record for tax purposes. If you have moved, please update your address by sending any changes to

Can I designate to a particular fund or ministry?

Yes, there are some funds that you can designate your giving to. We do not accept gifts directed toward specific ministries, however, because each of our ministries receive money from the General Fund which is specified in the annual budget (approved by the Congregation annually).

Does it matter which internet browser I use?

No. However we recommend Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.

Who do I contact if I have more questions?

For any other questions, concerns or comments concerning on-line giving, please contact