Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.
1 Corinthians 11:1

The men of RiverLakes Community Church (Men of RCC), believe that God is seeking men to stand in the gap to repair the walls of a lost generation. Forsaking what is behind and pursuing our prize promised by God's heavenly call in Christ Jesus. Together we can lead others to be courageous men of God through the demonstration of His love.
-Todd Farnsworth, Pastor of Men's Ministry
-Todd Farnsworth, Pastor of Men's Ministry
Weekly Bible Study
When Jesus called his disciples to join him, he was calling them into a relationship with Him. Men’s bible study is designed with an intentional leader who will guide the group toward growing that relationship with Jesus by encouraging men to share about their lives. As we open the Bible together, we learn that it speaks to the real issues that we face every day. In these discipleship groups we learn about life and the tool to turn to, the bible, for the answers.
Tuesdays at 6:30pm
Community Center, Room 120
Fridays at 6:00am
Community Center, Room 120
Join anytime. No need to sign up in advance.

Fridays at 6:00am
Community Center Auditorium
At Influencers, we guide men into an intimate, abiding relationship with Jesus Christ through intentional small groups. When they grow in their intimacy with Christ, true life transformation begins to take place. These men become Influencers to their world, which means marriages, children, businesses, and communities are impacted. Contact Todd Farnsworth at or in the church office for more information.