Growing together.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.

Purpose and Aim for RiverLakes High School Ministry
Know - The goal that each student would come to KNOW God personally and KNOW Him more through Gospel-centered preaching, Gospel-centered worship and Gospel-centered discipleship.
Grow - Encourage personal GROWTH and spiritual maturity through a Gospel-centered and biblically formed deeper relationship with God, parents, leaders and peers.
Go - Provide Gospel-centered support and opportunity for students to GO reach others and to GO serve others
-Bill Wills, Pastor of Student Ministries
Know - The goal that each student would come to KNOW God personally and KNOW Him more through Gospel-centered preaching, Gospel-centered worship and Gospel-centered discipleship.
Grow - Encourage personal GROWTH and spiritual maturity through a Gospel-centered and biblically formed deeper relationship with God, parents, leaders and peers.
Go - Provide Gospel-centered support and opportunity for students to GO reach others and to GO serve others
-Bill Wills, Pastor of Student Ministries

Sunday Mornings
Education Building, Room 213
High School currently meets on Sunday mornings at 9:00am in the HS Room (Rm. 213 in the Ed. Building). We worship, fellowship, and engage with God’s Word in the form of a sermon. All high school students are welcome! Come worship with us!
Real Groups
Wednesdays, 6:30 - 8:10pm
If you are a 9th-12th grader looking for a place to study God's Word, fellowship with others, and be challenged to grow in your faith, Real Groups are the place to be! Sign up for a Real Group this year on a Sunday or by emailing!
If you are a 9th-12th grader looking for a place to study God's Word, fellowship with others, and be challenged to grow in your faith, Real Groups are the place to be! Sign up for a Real Group this year on a Sunday or by emailing!
Real Groups on on break from December 11 - January 14.
Groups resume Wednesday, January 15 at 6:30pm.
Groups resume Wednesday, January 15 at 6:30pm.
Serve in HSM
This list is by no means exhaustive, but is something to consider as you, HS student, begin praying about where you might get committed to serving the church body/HSM and being salt and light in your community this upcoming year! If you're interested in any of the following areas, contact HSM ( for more information and a follow-up!
Student Leadership
(Fall 2024 - Summer 2025)
Year-long commitment. Application & interview process happening this summer.
Tech Team
Do you have a way with computers? Do you like messing around with a soundboard, presentations, being a part of something in a more behind-the-scenes yet important way? Sounds like the tech team could be the spot for you!
Worship Team
Want to join our worship team on Sunday mornings? Contact for application and information
Service Outreach
Monthly/Semi-monthly Saturday morning outreach opportunities for all in HSM to serve at (i.e., The Mission at Kern County, Morning Star Fresh Food Ministry, prayer walks, helping out a different ministry here at RCC, etc.).
Small Group Leaders
Directed toward parents, guardians, and/or qualified adults. Serve as a mentor-leader in HSM! If interested, contact Student Ministries Pastor, Bill Wills ((661) 589-9733, ext. 207).
Directed toward parents/guardians and others in the RCC congregation. Providing food, decoration/design help, financial assistance, host homes, miscellaneous game/event supplies, etc.! If interested, contact us at
HSM Calendar
HSM has a Calendar that is updated quarterly to reflect everything we add to our newsletters. We hope this serves our HSM families well in a tech-based way in keeping up with everything we have going on.
How to integrate into iCal (Apple):
- Open Calendar app
- Click “Calendars” at the bottom of the screen
- Click “Add Calendar” at the bottom left corner of the screen, then “Add Subscription Calendar”
- Copy & paste the link below, then click “Subscribe”
Student Ministries Calendar