In 1957 Ghana became independent of Britian, the first colony in Sub-Saharan Africa to achieve sovereignty. Ghana is the second-most populous country in West Africa. It is a multi-ethnic country with 111 people groups. The Akan people are the largest ethnic group, comprising 46% of the population. Ghana’s first prime minister and president was Kwame Nkrumah. He led an authoritarian regime and was overthrown in a coup in 1966. Alternating military and civilian governments ruled Ghana until 1981 when Jerry John Rawlings came to power. He led Ghana for 20 years. Since 2001, power has been transferred from one legitimately elected head of state to another and Ghana has been described as a "stable democracy." In 2017 Nana Akufo-Addo became president. He was re-elected in 2020.

Country Stats
Capital City: Accra
Government: Unitary presidential republic
Major People Groups: 111 people groups (Joshua Project)
Population: 34,736,000 (Joshua Project)
Religion:62.1% Christianity (25.7% Evangelical), 22.6% Islam, 15% Ethnic religions, 0.3% non-religious (Joshua Project)
Government: Unitary presidential republic
Major People Groups: 111 people groups (Joshua Project)
Population: 34,736,000 (Joshua Project)
Religion:62.1% Christianity (25.7% Evangelical), 22.6% Islam, 15% Ethnic religions, 0.3% non-religious (Joshua Project)
The largest Christian affiliation in Ghana in the 2021 census was Pentecostal-Charismatic (31.6% of the population). The prosperity gospel is a doctrine within the Pentecostal-Charismatic movement that connects the Christian faith to health and wealth. This erroneous theology does not produce the saving faith of the life-giving gospel and leads to many tragic consequences, such as over-spiritualizing medical issues that lead to the death of loved ones, spending one’s entire savings on a powerful man of God’s ministry to the neglect of one’s own family, and pastoral scandals in both financial mismanagement and sexual failures. ('Stand Up for the Gospel' by Emmanuel Kwasi Amoafo.)
RiverLakes Church has partnered with International Christian Ministries (ICM) in Africa for over three decades. The director of ICM Ghana is Philip Tutu who organizes formal and informal leadership training.
RiverLakes Church has partnered with International Christian Ministries (ICM) in Africa for over three decades. The director of ICM Ghana is Philip Tutu who organizes formal and informal leadership training.
How to Pray
- Pray that the Lord would protect our brothers and sisters in Ghana from doctrinal error that would lead them away from saving faith in Jesus Christ.
- Pray for the RCC/ICM partnership in Ghana to faithfully train the Ghana church leaders to possess a sound Biblical theology.
- Pray that those in Ghana captured by the false doctrine of the so-called “prosperity gospel” would turn away from false teaching and turn to the life-giving gospel.