Light of the World
by Laura Brown on September 30th, 2022
Have you ever been in a situation where there were lights on around you that you were not aware of until it was dark? This happened to me when I was recovering from surgery and had to sleep in my recliner. When the house lights were turned off, I was surprised at how many lights were still on. There were the flickering lights of our internet server, the power light on our TV, the little blue light...  Read More
The Setting of the Jewel of Romans
by Laura Brown on September 14th, 2022
In 33 AD, a frightened bunch of disciples huddled in a large upper room, trying to avoid the religious authorities following the death, resurrection, and ascension of their Beloved Rabbi. When suddenly, the sound of a mighty, rushing wind filled the room and all of them were filled with the promised Holy Spirit. Newly empowered, they flooded into the streets, where Jews and God-fearers from all ov...  Read More
Spending Time With God
by Laura Brown on August 11th, 2022
When covid broke out in 2020, our world was turned completely upside down.  Everything in our daily lives (normal rhythms, routines, habits, etc.) all came to a halt when our country was shut down.  One thing that was a huge personal loss for me was the elimination my regular routine of physical exercise.Prior to March 2020, I regularly went to the gym to work out and keep my old, decaying body in...  Read More
You Never Know How God Will Use You
by Laura Brown on July 15th, 2022
There is a financial term called Return on Investment (ROI) which simply evaluates how well a financial investment has performed. My contention is that we all have what I call a spiritual ROI. This is where we, as believers in Christ, invest in people and their spiritual growth. At some point, we’ll evaluate how well our time and energy has impacted those people we have come alongside. Certainly, ...  Read More
News from the Elders: June '22 Recap
by Laura Brown on July 8th, 2022
CELEBRATING FATHER’S DAY AT RCCWe honored fathers at RCC on June 19 by offering them an array of BBQ meat and fellowship on the patio after each of our morning services.  The smell of BBQ permeated the campus for the entire morning.  Senior Pastor Matt Vorhees challenged and encouraged men with a message from 1 Peter 5 entitled, “A Word to Men.”  Matt used this passage that instructs Church leader...  Read More
News from the Elders: May '22 Recap
by Laura Brown on June 6th, 2022
PURPOSEFUL PRAYER TIME ON NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYEROne of our core values at RCC is “Dependent Prayer.”  We believe that prayer is essential to being and making disciples and we desire to be a church that depends on the Holy Spirit through prayer.  Because of our commitment to this core value, RCC joined millions of people across our country to participate in the National Day of Prayer on May 5.  A r...  Read More




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