The Significance of Easter
By Matt Vorhees
As we all know, Easter 2024 is nearly upon us. I hope you will plan on joining us for Easter Weekend on March 29 – 31. I was recently asked by Bakersfield Life Magazine to answer the question, “What is the significance of Easter?” The following was my response:
Easter is one of the most important celebrations on the church calendar. It is a time when we remember that although death is the penalty for sin and our sins nailed Jesus to the cross, death could not hold Him. Having absorbed the full wrath of God towards our rebellion, His resurrection is the assurance that our sins will never be held against us, and our eternal hope is new life with God, of which Jesus is the first fruits. Therefore, we need not fear separation from God, nor should we fear death. Because Jesus lives, we also will live. We exist in relationship now with God in a way that makes life truly worth the living, and death is not the end because we are confident of a future resurrection with Jesus one day. All of this rich truth causes our hearts to sing as we exalt the one who has beaten sin and the grave.
The entire church staff and I are continually going to the Lord in prayer over Easter Weekend. Below are a few of the things we are petitioning God for, and I invite you to join us in praying over these things.
Easter is one of the most important celebrations on the church calendar. It is a time when we remember that although death is the penalty for sin and our sins nailed Jesus to the cross, death could not hold Him. Having absorbed the full wrath of God towards our rebellion, His resurrection is the assurance that our sins will never be held against us, and our eternal hope is new life with God, of which Jesus is the first fruits. Therefore, we need not fear separation from God, nor should we fear death. Because Jesus lives, we also will live. We exist in relationship now with God in a way that makes life truly worth the living, and death is not the end because we are confident of a future resurrection with Jesus one day. All of this rich truth causes our hearts to sing as we exalt the one who has beaten sin and the grave.
The entire church staff and I are continually going to the Lord in prayer over Easter Weekend. Below are a few of the things we are petitioning God for, and I invite you to join us in praying over these things.
- That what Christ did would become personal to each individual.
- The word spoken would break people’s hearts.
- The lie that there are other ways to salvation besides Jesus would be debunked.
- That many who claim faith could be stirred to live it out.
- People of other faiths would look at the resurrection of Christ and its reliability and turn in trust to Him.
- Our church would represent Christ well.
- Unbelievers would hunger for Christ.
- Our church family would be bold in inviting the community to attend.
- People would have an increased sense of belonging and spiritual family.
- That the Holy Spirit would blow embers of faith into a flame.
- Those serving would do so as an expression of worship.
- That people who are truly hurting would experience God’s peace.
Posted in Matt Vorhees
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