The Battle Belongs to the Lord
by Laura Brown on June 10th, 2021
I think we all would agree that we live in a broken world.  All around us we see the ravages of sin and the results of people believing in and pursuing the lies and deceptions of Satan.  Because of sin’s stain in our world, we face battles every day that require us to make choices concerning how we will attack and face the challenges and enemies we encounter.  One of the great encouragements the L...  Read More
Face to Face
by Laura Brown on June 3rd, 2021
So, several months ago I saw a preview for a documentary called The Real Face of Jesus. This documentary claimed to have a realistic 3D image of what Jesus actually looked like when he walked on earth. It piqued my curiosity because throughout my lifetime I have seen various images of Jesus, and I myself have had a very real human desire to know the face of God. When I was younger, I saw portrayal...  Read More
by Laura Brown on May 21st, 2021
Who doesn’t have a can of WD-40 at your house?  I know I do.  There is a great quote about this product that says, “You only need two things in life:  Duct tape and WD-40.  If it moves and shouldn’t, use duct tape.  If it doesn’t move and should, use WD-40.”  The history of the product WD-40 is worth retelling.  The company that makes it was originally called the Rocket Chemical Company because th...  Read More
Finding Delight in Obedience to God
by Laura Brown on May 7th, 2021
"But the people took of the spoil, sheep and oxen, the best of the things devoted to destruction, to sacrifice to the Lord your God in Gilgal. And Samuel said, 'Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams. For rebellion is as the sin of divination, and presumption ...  Read More
God’s Purpose in Job’s Suffering
by Laura Brown on April 8th, 2021
“You have heard of the steadfastness of Job, and you have seen the purpose of the Lord, how the Lord is compassionate and merciful.” - James‬ ‭5:11Something struck me about how James talks about the story of Job. The steadfastness of Job is pretty obvious. Though enduring unimaginable suffering, he does not curse God, but maintains his righteous trust in Him.But what James points to, which I think...  Read More
Stuck: When Our Plans Go Awry
by Laura Brown on March 26th, 2021
I enjoy songwriting. Sometimes it’s worthwhile to experiment by writing about things you’d usually not write about. Several years ago I wrote a ridiculous song based on a childhood memory.It went like this:If you can push me over the window sillI’d be ever grateful to youAfter this last time I think I’ve had my fillOf me playing the foolThe song was inspired by a specific memory from when I was a ...  Read More




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