Hope in Troubled Times
by Laura Brown on March 18th, 2021
We are living in very troubling and uncertain times. These are days like I have never experienced before in my lifetime (and I have been around for a number of years)The impact of the COVID virus has shut down any sense of normalcy worldwide. Most everything has been altered in our daily lives. Fear and differing opinions resulting from the virus have driven a wedge between families, friends an... Read More
Finding Comfort in the Sovereignty of God
by Laura Brown on March 11th, 2021
When my girls were little and beginning to reason and wonder, the one thing they had in common was the question of why. “Papa, why do pinecones fall down on the ground?” This one question would explode into multiple “why” questions. Although it could be frustrating at times, their little minds were curiously hungry to try to understand the world around them. The questions of why were never a prov... Read More
Remodeled Into His Image
by Laura Brown on March 4th, 2021
Remodel: What the heck does that mean? Merriam Webster says this: to alter the structure of, remake, to cause (living tissue) to undergo structural reorganization, alteration, or renewal. Gina and I have recently decided to take a huge step in our daughter’s recovery and do a bit of remodeling of our home to make it a bit easier to care for her. A big push-in shower and the removal of a few walls... Read More
Remember When...
by Laura Brown on February 11th, 2021
2020 was a year everyone wants to forget! And as we entered 2021, it seemed as if the craziness of the previous year followed. How many of us are tired of living through historical, life-changing events? How many of us have logged out of social media sites and news broadcasts because the negativity and misinformation is mentally exhausting? Wouldn’t it be so much better if we had a button we could... Read More
The Reason for His Staff in Dark Days
by Laura Brown on February 4th, 2021
Your rod and staff, they comfort me. -Psalm 23:4I notice today that many seem full of angst. I do not blame them, I feel it too. There is a deep rise of crying out to God these days. “Where are you! Why is this happening! This path was supposed to look like this for me! Why am I not seeing change within me! Why is my relationship with You so vacant and malnourished! Why is there so much chaos and ... Read More
Masterpieces for a Purpose
by Laura Brown on January 14th, 2021
Collecting baseball cards has been an active hobby of mine for 58 years, since five years of age. I collect vintage cards from the 1950’s, 1960’s, and 1970’s. In the baseball card collector world, I am known as a “vintage set collector.” This means the goal is to collect one of every card issued from a particular year by a specific company. Baseball card collectors have a jargon to describe th... Read More
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